Sometimes crazy ideas can become brilliant reality. Recycle Mate was concieved on a barcoaster wondering if Artificial intelligence could become a resource for people wanting to improve the recycling behaviour. Adaptation have delivered this amazing app on behalf of the Australian Council Of Recyclers, the NSW EPA and the Australian Government
Recycle Mate is an initiative of the Australian Council of Recycling, with funding support from the Australian Government’s Environment Restoration Fund program and the NSW Government’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Waste Less Recycle More initiative. Adaptation is our program delivery partner.
Community involvement is an integral part of Recycle Mate – we’ve invited the community into the conversation as every photo taken using the Recycle Mate app and every question asked helps us continually grow the program based on what the community want to know.
The Recycle Mate app was designed and developed by Melbourne app developer, DreamWalk as a NSW state government initiative and launched by the NSW Environmental Protentions Agency (EPA) in conjunction with client Adaptation.